CLT Project Management
INCLTD.Project Management
Maintenance is an subject that needs to be considered at the design stage. This is one of the reasons why we choose to work with Acacia wood. It has strong Outdoor qualities and insect resistance. The key to the durability of CLT has already been identified as “keeping it dry”. Most of the maintenance requirements the exclusion of moisture from the timber and creating barriers that control infestation by termites. A CLT maintenance plan provides guidance only, as fittings, coatings and barriers of different qualities and characteristics can be installed at the production stage or site. Depending on the final location, there might be recommended a different maintenance plan. Exposure to sunlight, chemicals, salt, and water may vary with the service environment and all of these affect the maintenance regime required.
Protect your property:
We offer high quality products to protect your property. As a first protection layer we strongly advice to use our Imported Water based (outdoor) finish product. Stains, or clear coats are available.
An extra protective layer can be added with Bio Nano products, this will protect the building from dirt and will create an easy to clean surface.
With Cleanweb we offer an extra anti-insect product, avoiding nesting.
PT Hira Utama Group is mainly focused on producing CLT panels. But we also want to provide our customers in Indonesia a service to build with it.
We found a strong collaboration with MODUL|R.
Together we offer an A to Z package for your private or commercial projects. With own drafters and architects, plus a team on site to assure all goes well within the delivery and time frame.
There is no CLT project, without the correct hardware. This is were Rothoblaas specialty lies. This Global company from the Italian Alps is a leading creator of high technology solutions for among others, CLT buildings.
Rothoblaas provides a complete range of solutions that are required for CLT projects.